William Charney (1946 - 2012)

Author of the following books:
• Handbook of Modern Hospital Safety
• Epidemic of Medical Errors and Hospital Acquired Infections: Systemic and Social Causes
• Back Injury Among Healthcare Workers: Causes, Solutions, and Impacts
• The Epidemic of Health Care Worker Injury: An Epidemiology

William Charney - Obituary


Do No Harm? The Epidemic of Fatal Medical Errors in the US and Canada

WILLIAM CHARNEY - May 10th 2012 (PDF)

Death By Medical Error - The Hidden Epidemic

William Charney (ppt)

Nursing Injury Rates and Negative Patient Outcomes

William Charney, DOH and Joseph Schirmer, MS (PDF)

Reduce medical errors to save lives and money - 'Cutting hospital staff can cost more in long run'

William Charney (PDF)

Preventing medical errors conference Monday, June 4, 2012, Toronto


Health care system creating "epidemic of harm"

By Geoff Zochodne /The Oshawa Express (PDF)


William Charney (ppt)


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